We offer integrative wellness adventures; nourishing the body, mind, spirit and all the bridges in between.

 Integrative Wellness Adventures

We draw from both ancient and current philosophies of wellness and self-care. The collaboration between classic and contemporary allows for the inquiry and resolution of how transformation will take place. We can focus within the confines of the physical body or navigate beyond the linear boundaries of the curious mind. Our work is the bridge between the science of the West and the heart of the East. This makes the trail map we design and the sessions we create both regenerative and expansive.

create a Personalized INtegrative map for youR FUTURE!

We start with some restorative repairs and let the body speak to an interesting interview that elicits creative inquiry to bring your adventure into clear focus and help determine which track aligns with your intentions to restore and transform.

Our integrative approach:

Integration brings to light the mind-body continuum allowing sustainable, lasting changes to your lifestyle, outlook, and physical energy.

  • 1:1 or as group programs.

  • Each package is individualized and your own personal map customized to fulfill your objectives.

  • Funneled and consolidated from a creative intake experience.

  • Benefit from a fulfilling lifestyle created by increasing awareness around all tiers of wellness.

  • Teaching and training are customized to be individual, workshops, local, and virtual.

  • These events are ideally combined with the intention of wellness counseling and education.

Our Wellness Adventures

A journey to the most natural, vital version of yourself.

Inspired by Nature; Integrated by You

Nature Connection

Seeing yourself as an integral part of a living, breathing cosmos full of experiences, support, and definition of the Human Experience.

We all have an eco-biography where the components of the natural world have given shape to the evolution of our own human nature. Exploring the memoirs of your personal eco-biography will expose the parts of your history you may choose to further explore, validate, or perhaps rewrite.

Reflection upon you as the creation of the natural elements

  • We align your true nature with the natural world.

  • This facilitates a state of self-reverence that ignites passion and purpose.

  • Nature nourishes the physical and mental bodies, and that connection to the origin of our creation is transformative.

  • We practice connecting on an ancestral level to primal space, which in return, is cleansing and restorative.

  • We take every opportunity to take it out of doors, onto the trail, and into the woods, hills, and prairies.

  • Nature Connection happens within, and creativity is the adventure of integrating yourself into the environment you choose.

  • Our work is suitable for any space and time, in or out of doors. We can embody the Wisdom of Nature just being in our space. It’s not just the experience; rather it’s a way of being in order to fully experience life living itself and bearing witness.

Nature Connection


/ˈsōmə/ “…of the Body”


We describe the Soma as the “body’s conscience”, tapping into it with focused awareness can transform the way the body “believes” it is intended to operate.

SomaTALK and Bodhi-Master are a way to enhance and evolve the other manual therapies and are a part of the INtegrative Map. In both methods, the approach is self-focused and invites the participation and engagement of the client and their interest to adjust current events and thrive.


  • Is a form of meditation with motion.

  • Rehabilitation that serves to restore the basics of human form and function.

  • We re-educate and restore natural patterns of human locomotion.

  • We harness an acute understanding of the imbalances within your body and apply subtle movements that correlate.

  • These subtle movements reconnect with the origin of motion as well as the time before insult, injury, or gravity have taken their toll.


  • Is an advanced program that adds in the profound practice of learning and using the Breath as a respected colleague to resolve most imbalances of body and mind.

  • Meditation instruction here is a perfect compliment to the healing efficacy of Breathwork.

  • We merge the science of Somatics with the heart of the Vedas and is transformational in all seven categories of Life.

    Clients do not have to be or have had fitness training or lead a highly active lifestyle.


collaboration with superfood nutrition

Organic Whole Food Nutrition

Pure, organic superfood nutrition is a platform to transform health and maintain wellness, energy, and performance.

Words like “organic” and “whole” are really important to see labeled on as much if not all of what you eat...if you want to have quality-control over the life you live. When you see the word “super” directly attached to the word food, it’s not always relevant to quality; rather it’s a ratio of nutrient and benefit density compared to its weight or mass.

  • Fiber and phytochemical density in foods have been shown to help mitigate the oxidative stressors in our external and internal environments.

  • When we provide deep nourishment on a cellular level, our metabolism changes and our body can begin to release what has been previously stored so as to prevent malnourishment.

  • When we flood our body with live superfood formulas on a regular basis, the quality of the life you live and the energy to do so is profound.

Organic Whole Food Nutrition

My Own Journey With Superfoods

I began early in 2020 and haven’t looked back since. A year later, my cholesterol dropped 25%, I lost 47 pounds with little effort and no hunger, and my energy level was like peeling away 20 years. Also during that year, I furthered my research and studies of the gut microbiome and its collaboration with superfood nutrition. This collaboration is the true epicenter of change and the means to transform our relationship and lifestyle with what we consume.

Body Therapy


Body Therapy

A portal for restorative wellness and self-care. Hands-on therapies for physical transformation and regeneration.

There are times when gentle, energetic touch and relaxation are requested as well as the opportunity for a more concentrated focus. Every session is customized and planned by and with the client.

An integrative approach of manual therapies combined with SomaTALK and Bodhi-Master is an opportunity to make lasting changes to your energy, flexibility and ability to course-control and reset your body’s balance with restorative, subtle movements wherever you are.

  • Neurosomatic, Sports or Swedish massage.

  • Neuromuscular & Cranial-Sacral Therapies

  • Somatic Training

  • Breathing & Meditation

  • Practices & Microbiome Transformation

    Clients can choose a specific modality or combination of therapies depending on the intention of each session.


 To Book a Consultation call Barrie at (262) 617-2258